Both sets of Elders had baptisms this week. It's so exciting
for them.
Quitting smoking is hard, and it's a big deal for everyone
involved. We pray for the converts, and we visit them. The Elders do the
same. It's a team effort. All three of these people had a hard time giving up
the cigarettes. So we are all cheering when they can
stay clean.
The Elder, the couple being baptized and her parents |
This young couple is already making a great addition to the
ward. Everyone loves them. The entire Relief Society room was filled tonight
with members welcoming them into the ward. One of the Elders that
worked with the family for so long, went home to Scottsdale AZ the first week of May. The couple
and the Elder were very sad about that. But they skyped him into the meeting,
This is the grandmother of the family baptized several weeks
We are all so pleased that she chose to become a member.
The other lady in this picture is Willie Smith.
She's the public relations person for the stake here in Memphis and is going to
write an article for the Church News about the family with three generations
joining the Church.
We do love this family. They belong to us, and we belong to
them. What a blessing they are in our lives.